Haven Extras Spring 2019
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Diverse, funny, insightful and perfectly suited to fit into busy lives, the podcast’s popularity shows no sign of abating. Delivering bite-size chunks of entertainment and information, if you’re not already onboard the podcast train, here are a few to whet your whistle.

The Five of My Life – Nigel Marsh
This acclaimed podcast provides a peek into the lives of some of Australia’s most prominent personalities. Affable author Nigel Marsh sits down with the likes of Dr Charlie Teo, Kevin Rudd and Layne Beachley and chats to them about their favourite film, book, song, place and possession. In the process he discovers the stories on how each of these have impacted their lives.
The Pineapple Project – Claire Hooper
Aussie comedian Claire Hooper tackles the big questions about work, money, life – anything to help earn those extra pineapples. Whether you want to change careers or better enjoy the work you’re already doing, you’ll learn sneaky productivity hacks on how to network, nail a job interview, find your inner confidence, balance kids and a career…while having a laugh along the way!

Design Your Life – Vince Frost
Don’t think you need to be a designer to understand this podcast. Globally recognised designer Vince Frost interviews a leading creative guest, to discuss how creative principles can be applied to a mere mortal’s everyday life. Journalists, CEOs, designers and founders from around the world talk about the role design has played in shaping the success of their careers.
Haven food

Cake hack
You might not be Nigella in the kitchen, or a likely contender for The Great Australian Bake Off, but that doesn’t mean you can’t whip out this clever food hack to cut perfectly even layers for your layered cake. Ever wondered how professional cake bakers get their beautiful layered cakes so even? Here’s their secret weapon: take a long piece of dental floss, and simply slide it through your cake, from one side to the other. Jump onto YouTube for a quick tutorial and say goodbye to wonky layers!
Any advice contained in this article is of a general nature only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. Therefore, before making any decision, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice with regard to those matters. Information in this article is correct as of the date of publication and is subject to change.